
My blog today is about exercise.It is about diet.

I received popularity in Japan and visited Japan on June 20, 2007.
I gathered about 400 fans in intensive diet program "Billy boot camp" in popular U.S. instructor, Billy Blanks Tokyo for seven days and held experience training. After a visit to Japan of 20th, about 200 gather the reporters not to mention a fan in a long-awaited straight lesson. Besides, it is the experience coverage with a quarter wearing a T-shirt of Billy. A note eye-level of mass communication became clear some other time.

The for a short term intensive model exercise that Billy blanks devised with Billy's Boot Camp. "The Boot Camp"
I found the this news articl on the Yahho! website. The title is "Strongest 51 years old" Billy with believer 400 people "fish basket Tolly!" .
It is about the diet piogram, which is taking place now. I held visit to Japan event "Billy Live in Tokyo2007Summer" in Tokyo Dome city prism hall. (in English here) .
This article is about the A leader of the American aerobics, a martial artist, an actor. He is popular very much.He's name is Bllry Blanks .
The article says that Billy Blanks beat the American A leader of the aerobics .
I like exrcise. I have DVD, too and do Billy boot camp.


授業課題 6/22

※感想; 音響学というのをはじめて聞きました。イングランドの学校では教育に対する意識が高く、方針が進んでいてすごいなぁと思いました。
synthetic phonics,advocated,judgements,eradicating,phonemes,deputy,strategies,strictly



1. イギリスの女の子が誘拐されてまだ見つかっていない。

2. 古代ローマ社会の世相を揶揄して詩篇中で使用した表現。詩人ウェナリス 

3. A feeling of on-site irritation that I wrote down an election for House of Councilors in in the       government (the ruling party, an opposition party) exposed to a headwind by a pension provision leak problem is coming to the front.

4. social insurance deduction ,wrestle with ,collectively ,right of claim ,abolition ,preparations , final income tax return ,utilizing ,dossier ,statement

5. 位が上だからといって自分より下の者にからかったり横柄な態度をするのはよくない事だと一般 人 誰もが思っている事だと思う。パンとサーカスの考えをもってる人は捨てなければならない。

6. 皆しっかりと自分の意見を書いていて読んでて気持ちがはっきりと伝わってきました。