1 Watch the Powerpoint presentation. Write a summary of the key points on your blog.
2 What is the purpose, objective, of a newspaper company?
Newspaper company is to inform a lot of people much news.
3 What is the purpose, objective, of a television company?
Television company is to inform of day’s happenings at once.
4 What is the purpose, objective of Yahoo! or Google?
User can easily know various informational.
5 The purpose of all the above is to make money. That is the purpose of all these businesses. How do they make money?
Television company and newspaper pay for information of user.
6. “Eyeballs” as possible, then what kind of news will they publish?
News personally is concerned with us.
News of food(counterfeit matter) , About global warming news
What kind of news will they not publish? People must not be interested.